Apply Edits (Feature Service/Layer) | ArcGIS REST APIs | ArcGIS Developers (2024)


(Optional. At least one of the following parameters must be included in the request: adds , updates , or deletes )

The array of features to be added. The structure of each feature in the array is the same as the structure of the JSON feature object returned by the ArcGIS REST API. Features to be added to a feature layer should include the geometry. Records to be added to a table should not include geometry.

If useGlobalIds is true , the features are added while preserving their globalIds values. If useGlobalIds is false or not specified, the globalIds values submitted with the features are ignored and the service assigns new globalIds values to the new features.


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adds=[<feature1>, <feature2>]


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adds=[ { "geometry": { "x": -118.15, "y": 33.80 }, "attributes": { "OWNER": "Joe Smith", "VALUE": 94820.37, "APPROVED": true, "LASTUPDATE": 1227663551096, "GlobalID": "{74100804-E229-49b8-8CDC-9B5D3EF03EDA}" } }, { "geometry": { "x": -118.37, "y": 34.086 }, "attributes": { "OWNER": "John Doe", "VALUE": 17325.90, "APPROVED": false, "LASTUPDATE": 1227628579430, "GlobalID": "{39B856DC-AFE4-4c02-B433-A9361ACD91CF}" } }]


(Optional. At least one of the following parameters must be included in the request: adds , updates , or deletes )

The array of features to be updated. The structure of each feature in the array is the same as the structure of the JSON feature object returned by the ArcGIS REST API and includes a globalId value. Records to be added to a table should not include geometry.

If useGlobalIds is false or not specified, the attributes property of the feature should include the object ID of the feature along with the other attributes (the globalId value of the feature is not required).

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"attributes": { "OBJECTID": 37, "OWNER": "Joe Smith", "VALUE": 94820.37, "APPROVED": true, "LASTUPDATE": 1227667627940}

If useGlobalIds is true , the globalId value is used to identify the feature when applying the update (the object ID of the feature is not required).

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"attributes": { "OWNER": "Joe Smith", "VALUE": 94820.37, "APPROVED": true, "LASTUPDATE": 1227667627940, "GlobalID": "{9537AFCE-BF6B-4931-93E8-403E12D76916}"}


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updates=[<feature1>, <feature2>]

Example 1:

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[ { "geometry": { "x": -118.15, "y": 33.80 }, "attributes": { "OBJECTID": 37, "OWNER": "Joe Smith", "VALUE": 94820.37, "APPROVED": true, "LASTUPDATE": 1227667627940 } }, { "geometry": { "x": -118.37, "y": 34.086 }, "attributes": { "OBJECTID": 462, "OWNER": "John Doe", "VALUE": 17325.90, "APPROVED": false, "LASTUPDATE": 9269154204840 } }]

Example 2, when useGlobalIds is true :

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[ { "geometry": { "x": -118.15, "y": 33.8 }, "attributes": { "OWNER": "Joe Smith", "VALUE": 94820.37, "APPROVED": true, "LASTUPDATE": 1227667627940, "GlobalID": "{1A9F8368-F9BB-428B-BB03-F45724362DB5}" } }, { "geometry": { "x": -118.37, "y": 34.086 }, "attributes": { "OWNER": "John Doe", "VALUE": 17325.9, "APPROVED": false, "LASTUPDATE": 9269154204840, "GlobalID": "{6CE34136-EC3A-40D7-80BF-E1D9BE33812A }" } }]


(Optional. At least one of the following parameters must be included in the request: adds , updates , or deletes )

The object IDs of the features or records to be deleted. If useGlobalIds is false or not specified, the objectIds values of the features to be deleted must be provided. If useGlobalIds is true , the globalIds values of the features to be deleted must be provided.


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deletes=<objectId1>, <objectId2>


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deletes=37, 462deletes=[37, 462]deletes=["{1A9F8368-F9BB-428B-BB03-F45724362DB5}","{6CE34136-EC3A-40D7-80BF-E1D9BE33812A}"]


The geodatabase version to apply the edits. This parameter applies only if the isDataVersioned layer-level property is true . If gdbVersion is not specified, edits are made to the published map's version.


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Introduced at 10.5. This is only applicable for ArcGIS Server services. Specifies whether the response will report the time that edits were applied. If set to true , the server will return the time in the response's editMoment key. The default value is false .

Values: true | false



Specifies whether the edits will be applied only if all submitted edits succeed. If false , the server will apply the edits that succeed, even if some of the submitted edits fail. If true , only the edits that succeed will be applied. The default value is true .

Values: true|false



When set to true , the features and attachments in the adds , updates , deletes , and attachments parameters are identified by their gloablIds value rather than their objectId or attachmentId value. The service adds the new features and attachments while preserving the globalId value submitted in the payload. If the globalId value of a feature or attachment conflicts with an existing feature or attachment, the addition of that feature or attachment fails. Other additions, updates, or deletions are attempted if rollbackOnFailure is false . If rollbackOnFailure is true , the entire operation fails and rolls back on any failure, including a globalId conflict. The default value is false .

Values: true | false



This parameter adds, updates, or deletes attachments. It applies only when the useGlobalIds parameter is set to true . When set to adds , the globalIds values of the attachments provided by the client are preserved. When useGlobalIds is true , the updates and deletes options are identified by each feature or attachment globalId value, rather than their objectId or attachmentId value. This parameter requires the layer's supportsApplyEditsWithGlobalIds property to be true .

Attachments to be added or updated can use either pre-uploaded data or base 64 encoded data.


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{ "adds": [<attachment1>, <attachment2>], "updates": [<attachment1>, <attachment2>], "deletes": ["<attachmentGlobalId1>", "<attachmentGlobalId2>"]}


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{ "adds": [ { "globalId": "{55E85F98-FBDD-4129-9F0B-848DD40BD911}", "parentGlobalId": "{02041AEF-4174-4d81-8A98-D7AC5B9F4C2F}", "contentType": "image/pjpeg", "name": "Pothole.jpg", "uploadId": "{DD1D0A30-CD6E-4ad7-A516-C2468FD95E5E}" }, { "globalId": "{3373EE9A-4619-41B7-918B-DB54575465BB}", "parentGlobalId": "{6FA4AA68-76D8-4856-971D-B91468FCF7B7}", "contentType": "image/pjpeg", "name": "Debree.jpg", "data": "<base 64 encoded data>" } ], "updates": [ { "globalId": "{8FDD9AEF-E05E-440A-9426-1D7F301E1EBA}", "contentType": "image/pjpeg", "name": "IllegalParking.jpg", "uploadId": "{57860BE4-3B85-44DD-A0E7-BE252AC79061}" } ], "deletes": [ "{95059311-741C-4596-88EF-C437C50F7C00}", "{18F43B1C-2754-4D05-BCB0-C4643C331C29}" ]}



Introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.1. Specifies an array of adds and updates (similar to attachments) for feature layer assets assets associated with a 3D Object Feature Layer. For more information, see the Apply Edits with Asset Maps section below.



Indicates to the server whether the client is true curve capable. When set to true , true curve geometries will be downloaded and geometries containing true curves will be used by the map service without densifying it. When set to false , the client is not true curves capable. The default value is false .

Values: true | false



Introduced at 10.6. The sessionID is a GUID value that clients establish at the beginning and use throughout the edit session. The sessonID parameter ensures isolation during the edit session. The sessionID parameter is set by a client during long transaction editing on a branch version.


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Introduced at 10.6. The usePreviousEditMoment parameter is used to apply the edits with the same edit moment as the previous set of edits. This allows an editor to apply a single block of edits partially, complete another task, and complete the block of edits. This parameter is set by a client during long transaction editing on a branch version.

When set to true , the edits are applied with the same edit moment as the previous set of edits. When set to false or not set (the default), the edits are applied with a new edit moment.

Values: true | false



Introduced at 10.8. This parameter applies a datum transformation while projecting input geometries from their spatial reference to the layer's source spatial reference. When specifying transformations, you need to think about which datum transformation is best for this projection. For a list of valid datum transformation ID values and well-known text strings, see Using spatial references. For more information on datum transformations, see the transformation parameter in the Project operation.


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//Syntax to apply a simple transformationdatumTransformation=<wkid>//Syntax to apply a simple transformationdatumTransformation={"wkt": "<WKT>"}//Syntax to apply a composite transformationdatumTransformation={"geoTransforms":[{"wkid":<id>,"forward":<true|false>},{"wkt":"<WKT>","forward":<true|false>}]}


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//Applies a simple transformationdatumTransformation=1623//Applies a composite transformationdatumTransformation={ "geoTransforms":[ { "wkid":1088, "transformForward": true }, { "wkt": "GEOGTRAN[\"S_JTSK_To_WGS_1984_1\",GEOGCS[\"GCS_S_JTSK\",DATUM[\"D_S_JTSK\",SPHEROID[\"Bessel_1841\",6377397.155,299.1528128]], PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0.0],UNIT[\"Degree\",0.0174532925199433]],GEOGCS[\"GCS_WGS_1984\",DATUM[\"D_WGS_1984\",SPHEROID[\"WGS_ 1984\",6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0.0],UNIT[\"Degree\",0.0174532925199433]],METHOD[\"Position_Vector\"], PARAMETER[\"X_Axis_Translation\",570.8],PARAMETER[\"Y_Axis_Translation\",85.7],PARAMETER[\"Z_Axis_Translation\",462.8], PARAMETER[\"X_Axis_Rotation\",4.998],PARAMETER[\"Y_Axis_Rotation\",1.587],PARAMETER[\"Z_Axis_Rotation\",5.261], PARAMETER[\"Scale_Difference\",3.56]]", "transformForward":false } ]}


Setting timeReferenceUnknownClient to true indicates that the client is capable of working with data values that are not in UTC. If its not set to true , and the service layer's datesInUnknownTimeZone property is set to true , an error is returned. The default is false

It's possible to define a service's time zone of date fields as unknown. Setting the time zone to unknown means that date values will be returned as is from the database, rather than as date values in UTC. Non-hosted feature services can be set to use an unknown time zone using ArcGIS Server Manager. Setting the time zones to unknown also sets the datesInUnknownTimeZone layer property to true . Currently, hosted feature services do not support this setting. This setting does not apply to editor tracking date fields, which are stored and returned in UTC even when the time zone is set to unknown.

Most clients released prior to ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9 will not be able to work with feature services that have an unknown time setting. The timeReferenceUnknownClient parameter prevents these clients from working with the service to avoid problems. Setting this parameter to true indicates that the client is capable of working with unknown date values that are not in UTC.

Value: true | false


New at 10.9.1. The async parameter can be used if the layer resource has the supportsAsyncApplyEdits property set to true (found under advancedEditingCapabilities ). If true , the request is processed as an asynchronous job, and a URL is returned that a client can visit to check the status of the job (statusUrl ). The default value is false . For more information, see the topic on asynchronous usage for more information.

The status and resultUrl properties are returned when checking the status of a job. However, the other asynchronous properties may not be returned. Once the status is COMPLETED , a resultUrl is provided that returns responses matching the JSON response example below.

Async applyEdits is intended for longer-running edit operations that may time out in synchronous mode while the client is waiting for a response. For larger and longer-running processes, it is recommended that you use other operations, such as append , instead of applyEdits . For ArcGIS Enterprise non-hosted feature services, the async process is subject to the feature service time-out settings. For example, if the maximum time a client can use a service is 10 minutes, the async process will run up to 10 minutes. The number of instances configured per machine will also be shared by both synchronous and asynchronous calls.

Values: true | false



Introduced at 11.0. Determines whether the request returns results per edit or a standard success response. When set to false , the request returns only a response of the following form:

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{"success": <true|false>}

The returnEditResults parameter can only be set to false when rollbackOnFailure is set to true . When returnEditResults is set to true , the request returns results per edit. The default value is true .

Values: true | false



Introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.1 for hosted and non-hosted feature services.

This parameter references an upload ID from an uploaded file containing service edits. This parameter provides the option to pre-upload edits to the ArcGIS Server and reference them through this parameter, rather than provide edits in-line with the edits parameter. The input for editsUploadId is the ID returned after performing the upload operation. If both edit and editsUploadId are included in a request, this parameter will take precedence.

Syntax example

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Example upload file content

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{ "adds": [ { "geometry": { "x": -10359451, "y": 5617771 }, "attributes": { "globalid": "{B99CA10D-9FDB-447D-9E8B-44AEDC540629}", "reprowid": 10000, "textfield": "added_editsUploadId" } } ], "updates": [ { "attributes": { "fk": 2, "textfield": "updated_editsUploadId", "globalid": "{D46CA10D-9FDB-447D-9E8B-44AEDC540629}", "guids": "{5711983D-A0B0-4C21-BCF3-F5AB93985CB9}", "reprowid": 22, "objectid": 22, "observed": 1012471200000 }, "geometry": { "x": -10359418.1975, "y": 5617744.1070000008 } } ], "deletes": ["{69958E11-C6F6-424E-8EEF-E24C0E9B86A6}"], "attachments": { "adds": [ { "globalId": "{FAA66666-766F-47CA-993B-8A3FC57616A1}", "parentGlobalId": "{2ABA1967-6AF3-4F66-83C3-0961EAA53584}", "contentType": "image/jpeg", "name": "addAttachment.jpg", "uploadId": "addAttachmentUploadId" } ], "updates": [ { "id": 25, "globalId": "{469E2233-1F07-43BE-B2C6-155273AA71C5}", "parentGlobalId": "{ED41CBEA-D20A-4CC8-B40B-270E129E5974}", "contentType": "image/jpeg", "name": "updateAttachment.jpg", "uploadId": "updateAttachmentUploadId" } ], "deletes": ["{D1DE4DE4-196A-4D00-9773-13E4135C40D5}"] }}


The response format. The default format is html .

Values: html | json | pjson

Apply Edits (Feature Service/Layer) | ArcGIS REST APIs | ArcGIS Developers (2024)


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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.