Skill or Luck: What's More Important In Investing? | Kotak Securities (2024)

The stock market, like everything else in the world, is all about risk. While it may seem like luck plays a role when you’re making money, at some point, it needs to be skill-based. The question is, what is more important in investing: skill or luck?

Why Is Luck Important?

There is an element of luck at play in the stock market. Of course, skill and hard work will play a part in your success, but other factors such as timing and luck also play a part in a stock’s performance. For instance, there are times when stocks go on streaks and outperform themselves. This can be attributed to pure luck if you happen to have one of those stocks in your portfolio at that time.

Why Are Having Skills Important?

Although most people grasp the concept of investing, it is critical to recognise that it demands skill. It is never enough to only learn the fundamentals or read literature on investing; an investor must have crucial investment skills to be good at investing, such as sound judgement, research and analytical abilities. Possessing the right skill set and mentality allows you to make decisions that result in greater profits on a recurring basis.

Why is risk assessment necessary in the context of luck and skill?

Skill helps you make smart judgements and get a good result, and luck is what gets you a great result even if you have made poor or average choices. They both occur because the world is too complicated for your efforts to determine your results with absolute certainty. Luck and skill can be considered as siblings, motivated by the same motivation to help you, the investor, earn more.

Consider this: you are just another player in a game with 7 billion existing players. So, the consequences of other players’ moves might be more influential than your actions. Your luck or skill won’t help you if the moves of other players change the momentum of the game. This is where identifying your risk appetite comes into play.

Facing risk helps you understand that certain things are beyond your influence, which is useful feedback for adjusting your investment plan as well as your current portfolio. However, having good fortune does not. It provides the opposite input: a false sense of control since you achieve the desired result regardless of your performance. This can be harmful if you are attempting to make smart, consistent long-term judgements. Facing risks also helps you to sharpen your skills even more. You don’t have to be a genius to make good investment decisions, but you need to have the right skills and mindset.


Between the relevance of luck versus skill in investing, having the necessary skills gets the nod. A significant amount of work is expended in detecting and controlling risk while investing. On the other hand, there is so little work put into the same for fortune. Risk managers are hired by investors; nobody hires a ‘luck advisor.’ Businesses must identify risks in their yearly reports, but they are not obliged to reveal fortuitous breakthroughs that may have contributed to earlier performances.There’s a reason the term ‘risk-adjusted returns’ exists, but the term ‘luck-adjusted returns’ does not.

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Skill or Luck: What's More Important In Investing? | Kotak Securities (2024)


Is investing luck or skill? ›

Mauboussin emphasizes that luck can sway investment results in the short term. A few lucky picks may lead to gains, but this doesn't necessarily indicate skill. Over time, the skill becomes more apparent, as consistently making good decisions leads to positive returns.

Is trading stocks luck or skill? ›

Profiting from day trading is possible, but the success rate is inherently lower because it is risky and requires considerable skill. And don't underestimate the role that luck and good timing play. A stroke of bad luck can sink even the most experienced day trader.

Is luck important in stock market? ›

There is an element of luck at play in the stock market. Of course, skill and hard work will play a part in your success, but other factors such as timing and luck also play a part in a stock's performance.

What is the role of luck in investing? ›

Nick Sciple: There's no doubt, luck plays a role in investing, however, over the longer-term and across a broader strategy of investing in number of stocks. In theory, your skill should emerge over the long-term. Unlucky year and unlucky company, had to have an unlucky decade.

Is skill or luck more important? ›

Luck-randomness, or the occurrence of things beyond our knowledge and control – plays a huge part in outcomes. So, while the inherent randomness in the world ensures that successful investing requires significant luck, a skillful investor is right more often, over a long period of time.

Why skill is better than luck? ›

In my opinion, being more skilful will be important than being lucky. Luck can make you win once or twice, but not every time. But with skill you are bound to get success. And the best thing is that any skill can be acquired over the time, no one is born talented.

Are successful traders just lucky? ›

Ask the best investors and traders if luck plays a role in their success, and if they tell you “no”, they are probably not telling the truth. Don't get us wrong, trading is definitely not about luck.

Are successful day traders just lucky? ›

Trader performance was statistically more consistent and non-independent than random luck would predict. That is, the profitable traders (of which there were exceedingly few) were not just getting lucky.

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While trading undoubtedly demands a level of skill and intellect, the idea that traders are inherently smarter is a misconception. Success in trading doesn't lie solely on raw intelligence.

Is investing pure luck? ›

Investing involves both luck and skill and when you are on a roll, unfortunately most believe success to be a function of your skill.

What is the most important thing to win in the stock market? ›

The most important thing to win in the stock market is having a long-term strategy and patience. Successful investors focus on buying quality stocks and holding onto them for the long-term, rather than trying to time the market or make quick profits through day trading.

What not to do with stocks? ›

Common investing mistakes include not doing enough research, reacting emotionally, not diversifying your portfolio, not having investment goals, not understanding your risk tolerance, only looking at short-term returns, and not paying attention to fees.

How much of wealth is luck? ›

The range can be anywhere between 51% – 99% for how much luck was the reason for your outsized wealth. The exact percentage is your choice. But if you have a net worth equal to 5X the median or you have an above average net worth for your age, consider yourself lucky. Beating the average so thoroughly is not easy.

Why luck is most important? ›

Answer: Luck can play a role, opening unexpected opportunities. However, it's crucial to combine it with hard work, skills, and strategic choices.

How much of success is based on luck? ›

Why do some people, and not others, succeed in their careers? It's mostly luck, 55% luck to be exact—or at least that's the number calculated by Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, professor of business psychology at University College London, writing in Forbes. The other 45%, he claims, is talent and effort.

Is investing an important skill? ›

Investing is an effective way to put your money to work and potentially build wealth. Smart investing may allow your money to outpace inflation and increase in value. The greater growth potential of investing is primarily due to the power of compounding and the risk-return tradeoff.

Is investing a smart thing to do? ›

Research shows that on average, even investors with bad timing earned twice as much as people who held their savings in cash-like investments over a 20-year period. And those who stick to their investment plan achieve a higher net worth than those who don't.

Is investing kind of like gambling? ›

Investing and gambling certainly both involve risk and choice—specifically, the risk of capital with hopes of future profit. But gambling is typically a short-lived activity, while equities investing can last a lifetime.


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